Monday, July 20, 2015


Fashion expositions are filling museums all over the world for the last couple of months, in Belgium we currently have "The Belgians, an unexpected fashion story" at the centre for fine arts (BOZAR), in Seou you can visit the new Dior expo "Esprit Dior", and since a april '"The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier. From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk" is inspiring Parisian folks and tourists at the Grand Palais. The show opened on April 1st after making a few stops in cities like Montréal, Madrid, Rotterdam, London etc. earlier this year. The show is a high point in Jean Paul Gaultier’s career and an absolute must-see for everyone with even the slightest interest in fashion and/or art. The exhibition is organised by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts with the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais, together with off course the iconic 'Maison Jean Paul Gaultier'.

It's a really big exposition, where you can find sketches, photograps and even the first dress he ever made! You can walking around for a few hours in this exposition, taking in every step of Gaultier's creating process and looking at his creations.

The one thing I concluded form this exposition is that Jean Paul Gautier is one crazy guy, but yet such an icon. Much more words aren't really needed and honestly I don't really know what else to say about it. The expo is so mindblowingly amazing, it left me with a lot of thoughts but a lack of words to describe them. The only way of really understanding this would be by visiting the exposition yourself - or looking at the pictures in this post if you aren't planning on visiting Paris in the next couple of days - and you guys have till the 3rd of august to do so!

You can find the exposition at Le Grand Palais in Paris.

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Melvin Jonckers and Irene Latoudis
Two Belgian youngsters living in the city of Brussels who have a mutual interest in all that is fashion, art, music, food, travelling and partying.